Sheikh Khalfan Ali Khalfan

Sheikh Khalfan Ali Khalfan


Sheikh Khalfan Ali is a respected figure in Kenya's Muslim community. As the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM) Regional Secretary and CICC Board member, he has dedicated his life to promoting Islamic values.

Born on October 20, 1976, he holds a degree in Shari'ah law, a diploma in Management, and a Certificate of Criminology. As a linguistically diverse individual, Sheikh Khalfan Ali is fluent in multiple languages. He possesses a strong command of Arabic, Turkish, Swahili, and English, enabling him to communicate effectively with people from various cultural backgrounds and facilitate interfaith dialogue.

In his free time, he enjoys reading the Qur'an, swimming, and practicing flower arrangement. Married with five children, Sheikh Khalfan Ali is committed to his family and serves as a role model for his children. Through his work and personal endeavors, he contributes positively to the Muslim community in the Coast region and Kenya at large.