Change of Likoni Tallying Center

During the dialogue forum with political candidates, concerns were raised about the suitability and security of the Likoni School for the deaf as the tallying centre for the upcoming election. The candidates expressed their worry that the centre was not equipped to handle the task and also pointed out the security concerns. They suggested that the tallying centre be changed to the YWCA centre, which they deemed more suitable and secure for the task.

Religious leaders and security agents who were present at the forum took the lead in addressing the concerns raised by the political candidates. They mobilized efforts to bring on board the IEBC county returning officer to evaluate the YWCA centre and approve it as the new tallying centre. The IEBC officer conducted a thorough evaluation of the centre and determined that it was indeed more suitable and secure for the task at hand. The YWCA centre was subsequently gazetted as the new tallying centre, providing assurance to all stakeholders that the election process would be conducted in a secure and transparent manner.