Community Engagement & Peace Building

According to the co-chair of the Kisauni multi sectoral committee - Sheikh Mahmoud Abdullahi, there had been minimal engagements in the community on peaceful activities. However, with the support of the Amani Yetu Wajibu Wetu project, they were able to organize a successful baraza in a hotspot area in Majaoni. "The turnout was remarkable," he said. "We reached a larger audience and engaged with them on the importance of peaceful coexistence."

To ensure that the message of peace was well-received, a peace walk was conducted prior to the baraza. The walk involved youths who were taking part in the Kazi Mtaani program. They walked around the community chanting messages of peace and urging their peers to embrace peaceful engagements. "It was inspiring to see the young people take charge and become ambassadors of peace," the co-chair remarked. "This is a best practice that we need to replicate in other areas to promote peaceful coexistence."

The Majaoni baraza and peace walk demonstrated the power of community engagement in promoting peaceful coexistence. The co-chair noted that the success of the event was a testament to the importance of involving all stakeholders in efforts to promote peace. "We need to work together as a community to address the challenges that affect us," he said. "The support from the project and the active participation of the youths shows that we can achieve more when we come together."