Finishing Strong

The implementation of Mombasa County Action Plan has been one uphill task ranging from lack of resources to doubts on how the journey will be. The lack of interest among various stakeholder also played a role with many preferring to run their own initiatives as opposed to working together.

CICC Trust has been holding the position of the Secretary to the CEF since 2019. The position required ensuring that the CEF members meet regularly and mobilize themselves for action in the PVE space. The first five-year action plan could not fully be implemented since there were no devoted funds for this purpose. CEF Members having seen the challenge, decided to work with a much leaner document, this with the assistance of the NCTC. 

Since May 2022, the CEF has remained steady and with the support of CICC trust through ARIVE under the ESCAPE Project, the Mombasa CEF can proudly report that they have done a commendable job in implementing the one-year CAP. Through the support of ARIVE, pillar met consistently and worked tirelessly to implement initiatives under priority pillars. The CEF members went as far as mobilizing their own resources to get work done. This when merged with the support under ARIVE ensued that the Mombasa CEF made great strides.

As the ESCAPE project came to an end, the CEF members did a reflection of their work they had done. With the support of CICC Trust and Secretariat, they used the data collected to determine how the CAP had performed in line with the stated Key Performance Indicators. The report showed good work done as well as areas that needed more interventions. For this reason, the CEF picked the weak areas and incorporated them in the next phase’s implementation matrix. For instance, the need to have qualitative indicators and have them measured before the next phase begins.

As ESCAPE came to an end, the CEF had already developed their next phase implementation matrix which is still awaiting consensus from members before being submitted to NCTC. 

CICC Trust is grateful to ACT for the kind support to enable the Mombasa CEF realize its County Action Plan.