Making Reporting Work

The Mombasa County Engagement Forum being a platform with over 60 active members has been facing the challenge of reporting. For a long time, it was quite difficult to really determine how the various stakeholders are faring in the implementation of the County Action Plan. There was never an agreement on how the reporting would be done and efforts to request for reports were either met with opposition of noncompliance. 

The ESCAPE project is funded by ACT! through the ARIVE program identified this as one key problem that was hindering proper coordination of CEF led initiatives and also all PVE initiatives in the county. For this reason, CICC being the implementing partner for Mombasa and also the Secretary to the CEF felt the need to assist members take an interest in the reporting for the sake of ownership and sustainability. 

CICC Trust through pillar meetings presented the reporting challenge to members for feedback and way forward. The members admitted that reporting was indeed a challenge and thus the need to create something very easy and most importantly, less paperwork. 

The members opted for online methods and it is through this that Kobo Toolbox was suggested. The first tool was created and presented to different members at pillar levels for discussions. The first tool was rejected as it was quite long. To avoid back and forth, the members contributed to making changes to the tool and testing it. After a series of trials, the members agreed on a final tool which could be filled in less than five minutes. 

The tool has so far been used to report activities for five months; in the first two months; 25 submissions were made. CICC Trust felt that in order for members to own the process, it would be good to give the members feedback on their reports. This was done, and the members appreciated the efforts. The first tool had been archived and members requested for it to open for more submissions. CICC has noted good response and in return, CICC gives updates on submissions being made to the tool.

Reporting is work in progress and challenges are there, for example consistent following up members to have the tool fill. CICC Trust is grateful to ACT! for supporting CEF related activities that ease the collection of reports.