Women for change in Tana River County

Tana River County is one of the more remote and poorest parts of Kenya. Two-thirds of the county females cannot afford sanitary pads. Items like reusable pads that last six months or menstrual cups that last 10 years can be life changing. COVID-19 Pandemic worsened the situation for Tana River residents, increasing the impact of poverty. CICC women desk and youth desk who have been empowered to emprise religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence through the program “contributing towards sustainable peace”.

Women and youth desk women members mobilized themselves and contributed towards the initiative of buying school girls and less fortunate women in the community sanitary pads. This initiative was led by CICC women desk chairlady madam Aisha Abdallah who has been active in implementation of the project (CTSP) activities and CICC peacebuilding work. In order to reach the most vulnerable girls and women in the community (Galole sub county), the women used area chiefs and village elders to identify their beneficiaries’. A total of 113 girls and less fortunate women in Hola community benefited with free pads. This is as result of women barazas and youth accountability forums which have been in place and women and youths had full participation and facilitation.