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Accelerating Women’s Participation in the CEF – An Opinion by Dorcas Njoki Kariuki

The equal involvement of male and female genders in public or private engagements have for a long time been a challenge. This has been witnessed largely in areas of spheres deemed to be female or male dominated. The County Engagement Forum due to its’ ‘political’ nature has been viewed to be a male dominated sphere. Men and women have tussled and fought to be seen and heard in this space.

The Mombasa County Engagement Forum seems to be a different platform altogether. The involvement of women has been top notch; the co-chairs of the CEF are women, so is the secretary to the CEF. 

Since the ESCAPE project began CEF related activities, the participation of women has risen. For Instance, in the first quarter, 63 women participated in the CEF related activities, while in quarter two, 72 women participated; an increase in their numbers, quarter three and four saw 75 and 79 women respectively actively participating. Women have also demonstrated the urge to support CEF activities and have always volunteered their time to the implementation of the Mombasa County Action Plan.

Women supported the CEF when the CAP document was being reviewed and ensured that their voice is heard; they gave useful insights in the gender pillar as well as others and pointed out that gender cuts across all pillars. 

The CEF has gained immensely from the participation of women and has witnessed the good work done. The participation of women has also largely supported the efforts of the men and thus making preventing violent extremism a concern and responsibility for all. 

CICC Trust thanks ACT! for the kind support towards making the CEF a place for all.

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