Frequently Asked Questions

Coast Interfaith Council of Clerics (CICC) Trust is a non-profit faith based organization that works with clerics, religious leaders and faith communities from diverse faiths to promote tolerance, peaceful coexistence, good governance and democracy, environmental management and conservation through intra and interfaith dialogues.

- African Traditional Religions (ATRs); 

- Catholic Church;

- Council of Imams & Preachers of Kenya (CIPK);

- Evangelical Alliance of Kenya (EAK);

- Hindu Council of Kenya (HCK);

- National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK);

- Organization of African Instituted Churches (OAIC);

- Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM);

CICC has been involved in the following activities:

1) Intra and Inter Religious dialogue to address religious intolerance and misunderstanding.

2) Intra-inter ethnic dialogue to address ethnic intolerance and prejudice.

3) Civic education and people centered governance campaigns.

4) Community sensitization and awareness on current agendas and community concerns.

5) Capacity building for religious leaders for effective management of community concerns and conflicts.

6) Networking and collaboration with like minded stakeholder in the different areas of CICC interventions.

1) Sustaining of Intra and Inter Religious dialogue in addressing religious, governance and environmental issues.
2) Improve religious leaders’ participation in policy formulation and advocacy consistent with community needs.

Currently CICC works in the six counties of the Coast region i.e. Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, Tana River, Lamu and Taita Taveta; as well as Garissa and Nairobi counties.

CICC is governed by a board of trustees who represent the eight CICC member organizations. Each member organization is represented by two religious leaders making a total of 16 members.

It also has county, sub-county and ward committees of six religious leaders representing the various member organizations. These committees are the main implementers of CICC projects. They ensure actual and proper implementations of all activities at the various levels.

CICC is charged with the responsibility of dialogue towards enhancing communication and understanding in order to eliminate potential or real conflicts, which may be instigated religiously, politically, socially and economically.

Specifically, CICC undertakes to promote interfaith dialogue in order to bring deeper understanding and respect for other faith and freedom by:

  • 1. Promoting enduring peace and trust among all the people living in the Coastal and other regions of Kenya.

  • 2. Facilitating collaboration and cooperation between the Government of Kenya, Faith based Organizations, NGOs, development partners and other stakeholders for the purposes of maintaining peace and security in the Coast region of Kenya.

  • 3. Provide a forum for information and experience sharing among the member’s organizations.

  • 4. Provide a platform for advocacy on legal and human rights issues and facilitate distribution of required assistance to conflict affected areas in the Coast region.

  • 5. Carrying out civic education in the Coast region on issues of peace, security conflict, governance, community and national reconciliations.

  • 6. Lobbying and advocating for the marginalized people especially, women and children for meaningful development and distribution of resources.

  • 7. Monitoring religious and ethnic conflicts within the Coastal region with the aim of passing information to our members and partners to also intervene for calm and peaceful co-existence.

  • 8. Addressing conflict resolution issues through appropriate interfaith channels and resources.

CICC is grateful to her partners for believing in the work we do namely(but not limited to:-

1. Catholic Relief Services( CRS Kenya): 

  • Research on Interfaith Conflicts, Suspicions and Mistrusts among communities in Tana River, Lamu and Mombasa Districts - (2005-2006)
  • Emergency (OFDA) - (2008-2009)
  • Peaceful Coexistence (PCE) - (2009-2012)
  • Dialogue and Action Project (DAP 1, II & III ) - (2010-2019)
  • People to People Peace Project (3 Ps) - (2010-2012)
  • Capacity Strengthening for Inter-religious Action (CIRCA) - (2017-2020)
  • Changing The Way We Care (CTWWC) - (2020-2022)


2. Royal Danish Embassy (RDE): 

  • Peace Security and Development - (2006-2010)

3. Pact Kenya (ACT): 

  • Peace Building and Conflict Transformation - (2010-2012)
  • SAFE - (2012)

4. British High Commission- Nairobi: 

  • Kwale Interfaith Youth Empowerment Project - (2006-2008)

5. DFID - British High Commission- Nairobi (BRICS Program): 

  • Peace, Security and Stabilization (PSS) Project - (2016-2017)
  • Improving Capacities of Vulnerable Women Against Violent Extremism (ICV WAVE) Project - (2018)

6. DFID – British High Commission- Nairobi (COFFEY International):

  • Jamii Thabiti Program – Improving Community Security – Kilifi - (2016-2018)

7. The CMC Netherlands:

  • Inter- Religious Dialogue - (2008-2010)

8. High Commission of Canada - Canada Fund for Local Initiatives:

  • Strengthening Community Extremism (SCAVE)Actions Against Violent - (2015)

9. German Embassy:

  • Countering Radicalization through Young Religious Leaders engagement - (2016-2017)

10. Ifa (zivik Funding Programme) – German Federal Foreign Office:

  • Entrenching Resilience to Violent Extremism in Communities at the Coast - (2017-2018)

11. GCERF (Global Community Engagement Resilience Fund):

  • Shrinking the space Against Violent Extremism Thriving (SAVET) - (2018-2021)

12. GHR Foundation:

  • Capacity Strengthening for Inter-religious Action (CSIA) - (2018-2021)
  • Building Organizational Strength and Resilience (BOSR) Project - (2022-2023)

13. TBI (Tony Blair Institute):

  • Act, Change, Transform (ACT!) - (2019)

14. USAID-International Organization for Migration:

  • Contributing towards sustainable peace (CTSP) in the Coast Region of Kenya - (2019-2021)


  • Countering Violent Extremism through Interfaith Dialogues - Jenga Uwiano Zuwia Ugaidi (JUZU) - (2020-2022)

16. Coffey International Development Limited:

  • Reducing Insecurity and Violent Extremism in the Northern and Coastal Regions of Kenya (REINVENT) - (2020-2022)

17. Civil Peace Service ( AGIAMONDO):

  • Fostering Interreligious dialogue and peacebuilding in the coast Region of Kenya - (2020-2023)

18. Internews:

  •  Enabling and Protecting Civic Spaces (EPCS) – Illuminating New Solutions and Programmatic Innovations for Resilient Spaces (INSPIRES) - (2021)

19. The Kingdom of Netherlands:

  • Joint Initiative for Strategic Religious Action (JISRA) - (2021-2025)


  • Expanding Spaces for Countering and Preventing Extremism (ESCAPE) Project - (2022)

21. Konrad Adenauer Stiftung:

  • Uchaguzi wa Amani, Bidii Yetu - (2022)