Accelerating Participation in the Mombasa CEF

CICC Trust has been the Secretary to the Mombasa County Engagement Forum since 2019. A position that the organization has diligently delivered on with the assistance of the larger CEF and the Co-chairs; County Commissioners Office and Office of the Governor. One key challenge that CICC Trust encountered after taking up this position was a poor coordination mechanism of the CEF. This in return saw lack of commitment from members and the lack of desire to synergize efforts on PVE work. CICC noted that each entity preferred working on their own and the support for the remodeling and implementation of the MCAP was left to the Secretariat. Also, there were never specific funds or rather resources to enable the CEF to run and implement key interventions under pillars as well as unveil the remodeled document. 

The ESCAPE project was developed to enable the CEF to improve performance and more so on coordination. It is through the ESCAPE project that the Mombasa CEF would have a much more effective way of coordinating their engagements, implementing key initiatives, reporting and even gathering learning for effective PVE work. The ESCAPE project provided a platform for the CEF to finalize on the remodeled CAP and from this agree on the best ways to ensure effective implementation; the process on the remodeled CAP took longer than usual due to a lack of funds.

Since the ESCAPE project began, it has provided a platform for the CEF members to be actively engaged and this began with the revision of the Mombasa County Action Plan on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (MCAP-PCVE). Information and insights on this key document was gathered from CEF members and incorporated in the final document; thereafter with NCTC, the CEF reviewed the document to ensure that it is in line with NCTC guidelines. This process culminated in the launch of the final document in May 2022. This was a great achievement given that the document had been worked on for over a year. 

The ESCAPE project has also opened up spaces for pillar engagement with various CEF members coming on board to participate. So far, there have been over 60 CEF members participating in pillar meetings without fail. These same members have also pledged support to the various initiatives outlined in the reviewed MCAP and have even developed simple work plans for the respective pillars. For the first time, CEF members have also shared various ways in which their own organizations support the implementation of the MCAP. CICC has also witnessed CEF members roping each other to conduct certain activities within pillars; something that was initially difficult.

The coordination of the Mombasa CEF is work in progress. To ensure success, CICC Trust has ensured voices of majority are being heard and collective decision making. CICC is grateful for the support from ACT! towards ensuring the Mombasa CEF is efficient and effective in the delivery of the one-year implementation plan.