Rebuilding a Family's Future


The family is from Kanani village in Watamu location, Kilifi County. It has 7 children (4 Male, 3 Female) of ages 1-17 years. Their first-born daughter, Rita, now 17 years old was sexually abused back in 2018. This led her to join Jua Rescue CCI for care and protection as her case proceeds at Malindi law courts.

In March 2020, following the government directive that all children in CCIs be taken back to the community due to the outbreak of COVID-19, Rita was among those who were reunited with their families. By then, the family was living in a poor state, with not enough food, clothes, shelter; in short, they were lacking all the basic needs. Life was too difficult. Their father who was a sole breadwinner works in a quarry nearby. Their land is full of rocks, no crop can grow in such an area.

When CTWWC came in the family was first supported with cash transfer to manage their immediate needs. Rita later went back to the CCI for education when schools were reopened after being closed for almost 9 months during the COVID-19 time. By then, she was in class 4 at Dabaso primary school. It was like a relief not only to the family but also to Rita who went through hardship living under drastic conditions.

With a case plan in place, CTWWC addressed the identified needs with the support of the CCI and the Children’s department. This was done through a family case conference which was conducted with one goal of having a strong and resilient family where children will live in a safe and nurturing family environment. The centre of it all being Rita to finally be reintegrated with her family.

On 13th October 2021, Rita was finally reintegrated with her family. It was an emotional event to her; she couldn’t believe the changes she saw at her home. They now have a permanent house to live in, her brothers are now all going to school apart from the under 4 years, and most importantly is being with her family again. All this happened through CTWWC support.

Rita joined Jimba primary school, now in Grade 6. She is attending school together with her siblings. Her case is still in progress and thus from time to time she will be attending court sessions when needed. The CCI will continue to support her with the case follow up. 

CTWWC Intervention:

So far, the family has benefited from Cash transfer, Permanent house construction, IGA, School levies and uniforms, Reintegration kitty, Birth certificates, NHIF and Positive parenting sessions.

What next

The family still needs close monitoring to ensure that all the goals of reintegration are sustained to avoid another separation.