Economic Marginalization

The Strategic Objective:  To reduce economic marginalization by strengthening faith centered environment stewardship. 

In this thematic area, CICC Trust seeks to put in place measures that will ensure people have capacity to organise and take action to address various risks facing their livelihoods; use of alternative and or clean energy; sustainable waste management; access market investment opportunities and; vulnerable people including families affected by disasters, PWDs, Vulnerable Women, Youth, and children access social protection support. To realise this strategic direction, seven strategies have been put into place: Awareness raising on environmentally sustainable livelihoods; Capacity building on environmentally sustainable livelihoods; Enterprise development; Financial assistance on Income Generating Activities; Social infrastructure for community self-organising; Social protection and, Advocacy on climate change.

Some of the Programs and Projects supporting this thematic area for the past four years are: 

  1. 1. Dialogue and Action Project (DAP) III funded by Catholic Relief Services Kenya was a three year project whose focus was in Kilifi; Malindi. This project main goal was to ensure that children within the Coast region of Kenya live free from child abuse. This was a child protection project working within nine schools and surrounding communities and also collaborating with different stakeholders and Government departments to create a safe environment for children. This project had a large aspect of livelihoods in which vulnerable families were supported with income generating activities. The project also rescued at-risk and vulnerable children, reintegrated them into safe homes and also supported them to go back to school or join TVETs. This project was implemented between 2018-2021.

  2. 2. Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC) funded by the Catholic Relief Service Kenya worked to provide alternative care to institutionalized children. This project was implemented in Kilifi, specifically Magarini, Ganze and Malindi. This project also worked with at-risk families more than those that had children in charitable children institutions and supported them with income generating activities. The project also ensured cash transfers to vulnerable families, support for NHIF and birth certificate registration. This project was implemented for two and a half years; 2020-2022.

  3. 3. Contributing Towards Sustainable Peace (CTSP) in the Coast Region of Kenya project funded by USAID through International Organization for Migration (IOM) was a two-year program whose focus was on creating sustainable peace structures in focus counties; Lamu, Mombasa, Tana River and Kilifi. One of the main aspects here was connector projects for the youth as a way to generate income as well as ensure that the youth have something to do.