Peace and Security

Strategic Objective 3: To promote and sustain a harmonious and peaceful coexistence between communities in CICC target Counties

CICC will put in place measures to ensure that; people know how to talk to each other with respect and without resorting to aggressive forms of communication; capable of understanding without discrimination and accepting differences rather than attacking, criticizing or dismissing them; accept rights of others and; appreciate the usefulness of peaceful means to resolve conflict. The strategic objective will be addressed through seven strategies such as intercommunal dialogues like intra religious, interreligious dialogue, interreligious action, capacity building on conflict prevention, resolution and transformation among others

Some of the Programs and Projects supporting this thematic area for the past four years are: 

  1. 1.  Dialogue and Action Project (DAP) III funded by Catholic Relief Services Kenya was a three year project whose focus was in Kilifi; Malindi. This project main goal was to ensure that children within the Coast region of Kenya live free from child abuse. This was a child protection project working within nine schools and surrounding communities and also collaborating with different stakeholders and Government departments to create a safe environment for children. This project had different segments with one being education in which children were involved through Peace Clubs, communities through sensitization and other stakeholders reached through reflections and linkages. Dialogues were also conducted intensely for buy-in on the protection of the child and as well shunning from harmful practices like child marriages. 

  1. 2.  Shrinking the Space Against Violent Extremism Thriving (SAVET) Program funded by the Global Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF). This three-year worked tirelessly with three population groups: Religious leaders, Youth and Women to address the push and pull factors to violent extremism. Capacity building, Arts/Drama, Sports, Dialogues, Psychosocial support were some of the strategies deployed to address this phenomenon. This program was implemented in Mombasa and Lamu counties and worked with grantees the focus locations form 2018 – 2021.

  1. 3.  Contributing Towards Sustainable Peace (CTSP) in the Coast Region of Kenya project funded by USAID through International Organization for Migration (IOM) was a two-year program whose focus was on creating sustainable peace structures in focus counties; Lamu, Mombasa, Tana River and Kilifi. This project deployed intra and intercommunity dialogues and action across the focus counties with the goal of creating an environment that conducive for all to live in. The project also drew lessons from the Country’s past experiences with violence and used them to build and strengthen peace structures. 

  1. 4.  Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC) funded by the Catholic Relief Service Kenya worked to provides alternative care to institutionalized children. This project was implemented in Kilifi specifically Magarini, Ganze and Malindi. This project had a large segment on the protection of children thus ensuring their security. This was done across the spectrum thus ensuring that all stakeholders fully participate in creating a better and safe environment for the child. This project was implemented for two and a half. years; 2020-2022.

  1. 5.  Amani Yetu, Wajibu Wetu Project was a one year funded by Tetra Tech International. This project was implemented in intervals with each period having a focus. This project worked to sensitize communities to embrace a culture of peace as the elections of 2022 approached and also implored the political class to restrain from incidences that are likely to cause tensions and even violence. This project was implemented between 2021-2022.

  1. 6.  Expanding Spaces to Countering and Preventing Extremism (ESCAPE) Project funded by GCERF through ACT! was a one-year project, just recently concluded. This project key focus was the Mombasa County Engagement Forum, the structure in charge of implementing the Mombasa county Action Plan on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (MCAP-PCVE). One of the focus areas in this project was implementing key initiatives under priority pillars; For instance, the project worked with religious leaders to create sermons imploring for respect for religious diversity and the need to be keep with information. The project also conducted football events between police and youth as a way of trust-building between these two groups. The project conducted numerous community sensitizations to enlighten communities on violent extremism and the need to remain vigilant and protect loved ones. This project was implemented between 2022-2023.

  1. 7.  Joint Initiative for Interreligious Action (JISRA) funded by Search for Common Grounds is a five-year program targeting Garissa and Kwale Counties’. This project seeks to promote Freedom of Religion and Belief among people of diverse faiths. CICC Trust’s focus has been to amplify the voice of women religious leaders to participate in decision making within their faith institutions and also take an active role in the community. The program ahs also been working with religious leaders to demystify religious misconceptions and offer practical ways towards interreligious action. The project period is between 2021-2025.