Public Participation

  1. Strategic Objective: To improve public participation for people centered governance and accountability.

    In this thematic area, CICC Trust puts in place measures that ensure spaces for engagement between clerics and government officials are established and expanded, competencies of clerics, women and youth to participate in governance processes are developed and awareness levels are raised. To realize this strategic direction five strategies are used; Social infrastructure for self-organization, Capacity building on governance and leadership, Awareness raising, Production of IEC materials and Social accountability by Citizens. 

    Some of the Programs and Projects supporting this thematic area for the past four years are: 

    1. 1. Shrinking the Space Against Violent Extremism Thriving (SAVET) Program funded by the Global Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF). This three-year program through learning, rejuvenated efforts on the County Action Plan on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism. A policy document that seeks to address the push and pull factors to violent extremism and works in a multi sector approach through the County Engagement Forums (CEFs). This program was implemented in Mombasa and Lamu counties and worked with grantees the focus locations form 2018 – 2021.

    2. 2. Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC) funded by the Catholic Relief Service Kenya worked to provide alternative care to institutionalized children. This project was implemented in Kilifi, specifically Magarini, Ganze and Malindi. This project among other focus areas was in large part supporting the government to actualize the National Care Reform Strategy for Children in Kenya. This strategy seeks to transform the childcare system from institution-based to family and community-based care. This project was implemented for two and a half years; 2020-2022.

    3. 3. Uchaguzi Wa Amani, Bidii Yetu Project was a two months’ project that sought to prepare clerics for the 2022 General Elections. This project was funded by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and targeted Changamwe and Nyali Sub Counties in Mombasa. This was a purely capacity building project that offered clerics practical skills in Election preparedness and Civic Education and Advocacy. The period of Implementation was April to May 2022.

    4. 4. Amani Yetu, Wajibu Wetu Project was one year funded by Tetra Tech International. This project was implemented in intervals with each period having a focus. The project’s purpose was to amplify the role of religious leaders’ during the elections as well as enable clerics mediate over election related disputes. 

    5. 5. Expanding Spaces to Countering and Preventing Extremism (ESCAPE) Project funded by GCERF through ACT! was a one-year project, just recently concluded. This project's key focus was the Mombasa County Engagement Forum, the structure in charge of implementing the Mombasa county Action Plan on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (MCAP-PCVE). This project sought to ensure a well-coordinated, focused and vibrant CEF with the capacity to adequately implement the MCAP-PCVE.